Who is Mary? Mary was a Jewish girl, born of a human mother and a human father, but chosen by God to be the earthly mother of the “Son of God”. In Islam the Virgin Mary (“Maryam” in Arabic) is the mother of Jesus (Arabic Isa) who is considered one of the most important prophets of Islam. According to the Qur’an, Isa was born miraculously without a human biological father by the will of Allah (God). Why is she “so special”? The creature God chose to become the mother of His Divine Son would have to be “special”; in fact she would have to be “the most perfect” of all of God’s creations, even more perfect than the Angels in Heaven. What does the Bible say about Mary’s “being special”? In all the Holy Scripture, she alone is honored by the statement “all generations shall call me blessed” (Luke 1:48). Why do Catholics Pray to Mary? All things that Christ said and did were well planned to give us example and teaching. Performing His first miracle at the req...